Honey bees

Today we learnt about how honey was made. If you don’t know then let me tell you.

Honey is sugar which mainly consists of fructose and glucose made by honeybees living in large groups also called colonies. These workers will work with other bees and go out of their hive and collect pollen with their mouth also known as a proboscis fun fact. Did you know that it takes more than 5000 bees just to get one kg of honey.


First, the honey bee will collect pollen and put it in its honey stomach. Fun fact: did you know that bees have two stomachs? I just found out.


Next, they will return and a worker bee will come and then the worker bee will vomit the pollen out into the other bees mouth. This process will proceed until they arrive at the wax comb and then all the bees will vomit the nectar out into the comb and wait.



Then, they will huddle together and flap their wings until the sugar water has dissolved and then the process will proceed until the whole hive is filled with honey.


Finally, the honey has to wait for a few months to be ready and safe to eat if the honey is harvested then put into jars and sold to the market or the bees keep the honey for a certain amount of time.


I would like to know more about honey so if you know can you please tell me thank you !

My Visual Mihi

Hi my name is Aaliyah and this is my visual mihi, and it represents me, what I do where i’m from and how I am. There is a picture of princess Jasmine sleeping because I like sleeping. A picture of a rugby ball because I play Rippa Rugby. A picture of New Zealand because i’m from New Zealand. So this is my visual mihi and I hope you enjoyed thank you.

My horror story

I was all alone out of town in a weird  dark damp neighbourhood. The locals were very rude but the hotel there was nice. They only had one rule: keep the lights on, but I didn’t listen. I turned the light off and after watching a horror movie I heard a scream so I sprung out of bed and looked out the window but nothing was there but then I felt something it was a hand slowly sending shivers  up my back I jumped around the hotel room and tried to beat whatever it was up but when I opened my eyes there was nothing except for a cold room and the tv on maybe I was just paranoid so I just turned on the lights and went to sleep to leave in the morning. 


First, I woke up to a clink! In my closet I didn’t think anything of it because they warned me of falling things in my closet because of the air conditioning, but I went to sleep and woke up at five o’clock in the morning and seen a creepy women on the side of me watching me sleep so I sprung out of bed and kicked her ugly teeth in.


Next, I went into the lobby and she kept on chasing me so I needed to start running faster so I put my shoes on, grabbed my stuff and ran to my car.


Then, I hopped in my  car and started to drive and she pretended to be a kid and started crying. I stopped and she stared into my eyes and black stuff was coming out of her mouth, and that creeped me out so I sped away and was on the motorway

After that I saw that nobody was on the motorway and that was weird because “usually there is a bunch of traffic’’ I said to myself, but then a car tried to cut me off but they missed and crashed and I drove off the motorway. 


Finally, I arrived home and everything was fine. I was wondering if I was okay, and I was so I just went to sleep. I woke up just to find out it wasn’t a dream and that she was following me but that’s when it hit me I turned on the lamp not the light switch so I drove back and went back to that room the lamp was still on but the switch wasn’t so I switched it on and everything was back to normal the evil ghost stopped following me but before I left I asked the workers why I needed to keep the light on and they replied with “ Because in 1947 a women called Catherine was murdered by a man called Clementine.

There was still scary things happening around there town but the problems always got solved by someone in there town I don’t know who but they keep on sending me messages that creep me out but I don’t care I just ignore then and go on with my day but whoever keeps on sending me letters just saying your next. 


Keeping Yourself Safe Online

Hi this is my foot print and it is pretty safe we should keep ourselves safe while online and not be on sites that you shouldn’t be on. But what is a digital footprint? Digital footprints are important to keep safe because that is private and you could be traced by bad people that could make a footprint on your reputation and how people think of you but genuinely should keep yourselves safe online.

Duffy books


Today I got my duffy book and it’s called Anh do hot dog tidy time.


This book is about a guy named  hot dog and his friends who tidy up for their annual tidy your town day. Whoever collects the most rubbish will win an amazing jungle adventure but their rubbish they collected got stolen and are searching for it. Will they find it in time before time runs out?


Musical Noises


                                                                                Music is so amazing!


Today there was a man called musical ell that came over and showed us a few of his instruments like clarinets, flutes and many more. Like with rocks tape and a  toilet roll .


First, he sang a song and asked if we could sing with him so we did and it was so funny when some of the kids went up and made funny faces and when they were standing like a duck.


Next, He told a few of the seniors to hold some instruments that were called woodwind instruments in the olden days.and there were many more instruments that he told them to play.


Then he asked room 10 and 9 who wanted to play so I put my hand up. Once we had a good amount of people to come up we played a song and then sat down.


Finally he showed us how he would play at a junction and sang a song after playing his trumpet and trombone for us.


After that I wanted to be a musician and play all night long, But  I wonder if there are any more instruments that I haven’t heard or seen before. What is your favourite instrument?

Jelly Making

Yesterday room 9 made jelly and it was really delicious with a nice jiggly texture and a nice fruity smell.


First, we got the spoon, bowl, the kettle, and the most important thing, the jelly boxes.


Next, we poured it in the boiled water and stirred. We kept stirring until the powder had dissolved and the aroma travelled  in the room and until a person in  my class said ( Yum I just want to eat it now.


Then, we put it outside and waited for it to cool down while we were doing our work. When it had cooled down we added some pears and put it in the fridge


Finally, the next day when Ms Lammas came she got the jelly with tiny little cups and some spoons. After that she put them down and she put some jelly and a bit of pear. 


We all had our jelly and some people got extra because there was extra jelly and they had already finished. Other than that the jelly was very yummy and it had the same taste as raro. I hope that we can make some in the future.

Grandmas gift



This is something I made for my nan and has all the things she would ever want and need maybe I’ll give her a dog too maybe I should buy her perfume. What would you give your grandma as a present ? Well, you can brainstorm about it too in google draw. I’ll give her a cake, a blanket too, glasses a vape a fruit bowl as well. I love my grandma and you should love yours too!

My Tennis Coaching

We are learning the important values through the game of tennis. This week’s lesson was about commitment and drive. What is commitment and drive ? Commitment is to keep on trying until you get it right. Drive is basically the same as commitment. 



About me

Kia Ora, my name is Aaliyah and I made a poster about me. As you can see My favourite colours are black and blue. You can also see that I put my favourite things, hobbies and some things about me.