My Amazing Easter Holiday !

During the weekend I went to Timezone with my family because it was my uncles birthday.

First we had a shower and got ready because our old clothes got dirty and had little bits
of food on it.

Next we went inside the car waiting for our parents because they were still getting dressed
and putting on perfumes and necklaces.

Then we all buckled ourselves in and left our house for Timezone. When we got there we were
waiting impatiently because my mum and dad were buying some cards for my siblings and I.

Finally my Mum gave us our cards and we ran all over the place. We only had one hour to play
and we spent it happily. Then my mum said that we had to leave but before that we could spend
our tickets if we wanted. We spent our tickets on toys and lollies.

I loved playing at Timezone,it was so fun spending the tickets  and playing the games, but most
of all spending time with my family.

Jelly Making

Yesterday room 9 made jelly and it was really delicious with a nice jiggly texture and a nice fruity smell.


First, we got the spoon, bowl, the kettle, and the most important thing, the jelly boxes.


Next, we poured it in the boiled water and stirred. We kept stirring until the powder had dissolved and the aroma travelled  in the room and until a person in  my class said ( Yum I just want to eat it now.


Then, we put it outside and waited for it to cool down while we were doing our work. When it had cooled down we added some pears and put it in the fridge


Finally, the next day when Ms Lammas came she got the jelly with tiny little cups and some spoons. After that she put them down and she put some jelly and a bit of pear. 


We all had our jelly and some people got extra because there was extra jelly and they had already finished. Other than that the jelly was very yummy and it had the same taste as raro. I hope that we can make some in the future.

When I grow up

This was a drawing I made with the help of my classmates sister Lvy. Then Mr. Naidoo said that we should write what we want to be when we grow up and why we want to work in that position  I want to be a scientist because I want to travel the world find different cures for different disease’s all over the world.

Grandmas gift



This is something I made for my nan and has all the things she would ever want and need maybe I’ll give her a dog too maybe I should buy her perfume. What would you give your grandma as a present ? Well, you can brainstorm about it too in google draw. I’ll give her a cake, a blanket too, glasses a vape a fruit bowl as well. I love my grandma and you should love yours too!

The greedy rainbow fish

We have been learning how to identify and solve problem. The problem was that rainbow fish was greedy that led to the other fish ignoring him and made him sad.
The problem was solved when rainbow fish shared his scales and that made him happy.It was challenging to draw rainbow fish.

Have you ever drew rainbow fish ?

My Tennis Coaching

We are learning the important values through the game of tennis. This week’s lesson was about commitment and drive. What is commitment and drive ? Commitment is to keep on trying until you get it right. Drive is basically the same as commitment.