My horror story

I was all alone out of town in a weird  dark damp neighbourhood. The locals were very rude but the hotel there was nice. They only had one rule: keep the lights on, but I didn’t listen. I turned the light off and after watching a horror movie I heard a scream so I sprung out of bed and looked out the window but nothing was there but then I felt something it was a hand slowly sending shivers  up my back I jumped around the hotel room and tried to beat whatever it was up but when I opened my eyes there was nothing except for a cold room and the tv on maybe I was just paranoid so I just turned on the lights and went to sleep to leave in the morning. 


First, I woke up to a clink! In my closet I didn’t think anything of it because they warned me of falling things in my closet because of the air conditioning, but I went to sleep and woke up at five o’clock in the morning and seen a creepy women on the side of me watching me sleep so I sprung out of bed and kicked her ugly teeth in.


Next, I went into the lobby and she kept on chasing me so I needed to start running faster so I put my shoes on, grabbed my stuff and ran to my car.


Then, I hopped in my  car and started to drive and she pretended to be a kid and started crying. I stopped and she stared into my eyes and black stuff was coming out of her mouth, and that creeped me out so I sped away and was on the motorway

After that I saw that nobody was on the motorway and that was weird because “usually there is a bunch of traffic’’ I said to myself, but then a car tried to cut me off but they missed and crashed and I drove off the motorway. 


Finally, I arrived home and everything was fine. I was wondering if I was okay, and I was so I just went to sleep. I woke up just to find out it wasn’t a dream and that she was following me but that’s when it hit me I turned on the lamp not the light switch so I drove back and went back to that room the lamp was still on but the switch wasn’t so I switched it on and everything was back to normal the evil ghost stopped following me but before I left I asked the workers why I needed to keep the light on and they replied with “ Because in 1947 a women called Catherine was murdered by a man called Clementine.

There was still scary things happening around there town but the problems always got solved by someone in there town I don’t know who but they keep on sending me messages that creep me out but I don’t care I just ignore then and go on with my day but whoever keeps on sending me letters just saying your next.