During the weekend I went to Timezone with my family because it was my uncles birthday.

First we had a shower and got ready because our old clothes got dirty and had little bits
of food on it.

Next we went inside the car waiting for our parents because they were still getting dressed
and putting on perfumes and necklaces.

Then we all buckled ourselves in and left our house for Timezone. When we got there we were
waiting impatiently because my mum and dad were buying some cards for my siblings and I.

Finally my Mum gave us our cards and we ran all over the place. We only had one hour to play
and we spent it happily. Then my mum said that we had to leave but before that we could spend
our tickets if we wanted. We spent our tickets on toys and lollies.

I loved playing at Timezone,it was so fun spending the tickets  and playing the games, but most
of all spending time with my family.

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