Kia ora my name is Aaliyah and this poster is all about me and it has some pretty cool things in it I hope you enjoy and if you do enjoy it you can create something like this too!
Fake or fiction
Talofa lava. Today in cybersmart we did fake or fiction and it was fun because we made four of our own questions. I hope you enjoy this blog. Good bye!
Athletics day
Yesterday was Athletics day and it was awesome !
Yesterday morning was athletics day and it was hot sunny, and 5 hours worth of sport! It had ups and downs but most of all it was fun.
First, we waited for everyone to finish their activity and were encouraging the juniors to finish the race even if they were last. When everyone was finished we had everyone eat their lunch and then headed out to do the 400 meter race.
Next, we waited on our tarpaulin for everyone to line up for the race. First went room 7 with 12 people running first boys then girls with happy winners and participants.
Then, we had everyone do their own sport and activities but room 10 did their 100 meter race and my sister Sapphire won! With second place being Fatima and 3rd place being Devinah. After the boys went it was now the girls of my class racing. We heard the clapper board we ran as fast as we could. I ran as fast as I could. I almost placed second but somebody in my class Skylar went in front of me and I placed second place.
After that, we played tug of war with room 10. We played 3 rounds and lost all of them. But that was okay because we all participated. After tug of war we went to ladder jump, egg and spoon and gumboot throw. When we were finished with those activities it was the 200 meter race. I ran to the start line with my heart racing fast. After everybody lined up and raced it was my class and the juniors left. I stepped up with courage and waited for the sign once I heard the clap I ran with ease. When we were about to bend I started running really fast and didn’t stop. I slowed down for a bit to regain energy and boosted off again. With 3 meters left to run I started to walk and jog. I made it to the end and spoke to my sister and said “I’m tired now my heart is beating fast like a hamster on a wheel”. I walked up to the tarpaulin and sat down next to my friend.
Finally, there was one more sport and It was leader ball. One of my brother’s friends’ mums gave us some ice blocks because of how hard we worked. We played leader ball with my team winning. When we were finished I played volleyball and played with my friend’s baby brother Francis.
I enjoyed athletics because it was really fun. We had to clean up at the end of the day though because it was 10 extra points for the group that picked up the most rubbish but that group was pink. When we were finished they told us the groups that won. In third place purple, In second place orange and first place pink! Happiness from other teams filled my ears. I know my team placed second but I can just try again next year! I think that yesterday was super fun and I can’t wait for next year! If you have athletics what colour do you want to be ?
Te manawa sports
Yesterday was the last time we were going to enjoy Te Manawa Sports. It was a fantastic session.
First, we played infinity tag and it was tiring. I enjoyed it because you have to try not to get tagged while tagging others.
Next, we played shot put which is all about technique. You had to have a buddy to get your ball after you threw it. When we got the ball we had to bend our knee that was underneath the hand we write with and face it 95 degrees from the ball which is next to your neck in your fingers. Our coach called this dirty neck and dirty fingers.
Then, when we were finished with the shot put we played rippa tag. It was hard because we had a bib in our shorts and pants that we weren’t allowed to defend. If we got our bibs pulled out of our shorts or pants we had to wait until the person who tagged you got tagged. It was really fun for some people because they play rippa rugby.
Finally, we played one last game which was rob the nest. I was running as fast as I could everytime it was my turn. My team won because we had 19 balls. I crashed into somebody but that didn’t stop me so we all persevered and tried our best to win.
I enjoyed Te Manawa sports alot this year and I hope to have Te Manawa sports next year.
Fake media
Talofa lava today in Cybersmart we learn’t about fake media and not to trust everything online. Mrs Tofa gave us the task of finding out if the news was true or not. I hope you enjoy.
My weekend
On the weekend I was at home watching tv with my sister who was annoying me.
First, I cleaned the kitchen so I could make breakfast and eat. I made myself an avocado and egg bagel.
Next, I brushed my teeth and had a shower and cleaned my room. I then began to lay down and watch tv. I was watching tv when my sister stole the controller off me. I was so annoyed so I told my mum and she did nothing about it so I just left the problem behind and went to sleep.
Then, I woke up to my sister yelling. She was yelling because Mike Tyson was losing to Jake Paul. I watched the rest of the game with Jake Paul winning.
After that, I got hungry and went to make pasta. The kitchen was a mess. I knew it was my brother because he always makes a mess. I called him to clean it so he did. I knew he hated every second of it but he cleaned.
Finally, we made dinner and watched tv. We were watching Outer Banks and Jj my sister’s favourite character, died and she was crying. It was getting late and we got tired so we went to sleep.
I enjoyed the weekends. I was super annoyed and hungry but I loved it. I hope we have another weekend like this soon.
Fake images
Kia ora everyone today we learnt how to create fake images using to remove the backgrounds images. We created these blogs in google images. I hope you enjoy this blog.
Reverse search Google
Today in Cybersmart we learnt how to find the whereabouts of some famous places like the Golden gate bridge. Hope you enjoy this blog.
Living organisms.
Hi this is my blog and this is about a fish habitat in the pacific ocean. The pacific ocean is known as the dirtiest ocean in the whole world. Lets help make the ocean cleaner like the south pacific ocean. I hope you enjoy my blogs.
Quality comments
Kia ora this is my quality comment i did for last year’s film festival. I replied to three comments and